Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Where For Art Thou...

I could explain where I've been but I won't.  This blogging thing is just another outlet and I haven't had much to "Let Out" lately so usually Facebook and twitter satisfy my need to get it out and my poor blog suffers.  So there...

Its been one hell of a summer for UniqueLee-Yours and I.  I've been bigged up, shot down, discouraged, excited...and I can go on and on.  Just a lot going on, which is very bittersweet.

Needless to say, I didn't get accepted into Project Accessory.  The experience wasn't nearly as exciting as I had imagined.  In my mind, I would roll up to the hotel, the roads would be blocked from all the people lined up with hopes of a big break.  There would be signs all over that suggested people camped out the night before on the streets in hopes of being amongst the first designers to sign in and register.  I figured it would take ALL day and possibly into the late afternoon so I brought a little lunch box and snacks.  My presentation was tight.  I knew just what to say.  I brought a friend to keep me company and so I could have someone to talk to and point out "special" people that went above and beyond to stand out. Woke up at the butt crack of dawn, had a good breakfast and drove to Downtown Miami...and for what?!?!

We pulled up and there was NO ONE outside. We questioned that we even had the right hotel! We went ahead and parked...still...no one...walked up to the hotel...no one...walked into the hotel...nothing...went to the front desk to inquire and the lady gave a confused look until it hit her..."Oh, yeah...that" Her exact words O_o When we got up there, there were about 6 people in front of me.  HUH? I mean, I guess I had it all wrong.  It was a pretty quick process.  When it was my turn...the "weed out" lady asked if I knew how to sew and I replied no.  She said thanks but no thanks and have a nice day! O_o

At first I was hurt and disappointed but it didn't last. I just wish that they didn't waste peoples time. I put a lot of thought into the preparation of the audition and no one even glanced. Someone couldve texted me or tweeted me that I needed to know how to sew or else don't even make the effort of stopping by.  I really can't wait for the show (if it ever comes to fruition) because I can't wait to see, what it is exactly that they wanted. 

No sweat...this summer has been full of artshows, cool events, and very happy people that love my craft.

 Now on to the next...

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