Sunday, June 19, 2011

Highly Humbled

I must start by saying that I know that I am new to this but man oh man am I true to this. I am so highly humbled and excited by all the recent orders and praises of my pieces! I went to sleep and woke up with TWO orders in my inbox.  Some might say, uh...its only two orders but it meant so much more to me.  People love UniqueLee-Yours and I just appreciate the love.

I have a dilemma though, and maybe other artists, designers etc. can help me cope or understand how to "let go"  LOL...what I mean is that, I love each and every pair of earrings I make like I'm making them for myself.  All I want is for everyone to love them as much as I do.  Its always exciting and sad to see a pair go...I don't freakin know why! Ugh! LOL...but I'm sure that it will all come to pass right? ...and it will get a little easier right?!'m cracking myself up!

But real talk and I'm not apologizing for being so mushy either cause Hey...In the words of the great Erykah Badu...just keep in mind that I'm an artist and I'm sensitive about my shhhhhh.....

Ok...break time is now over...back to the studio...


PS...I love it when my customers send me pics of them wearing their UniqueLee-Yours pieces!! 


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy Days :-)

HEY THERE!!!!!!!

I'm so excited that I feel like blogging!!! LOL...I've had this blog for a while now and could not for the life of me figure out how I wanted to start. *confused face* Why? Whats the big deal? Thats what I just asked myself and so HERE I AM! I am in one of those moods that are a little scary to enjoy because you just KNOW that somethings gonna come along and screw it up...well, to hell with that feeling today. I am thankful, happy and super excited about the future and what it holds for myself AND UniqueLee-Yours!

So without further ado...I would like to welcome anyone thats reading/ following/ passing thru or stumbled here by mistake!

One of the reasons that I'm SO excited today is because I just downloaded my official application for a casting call that I'm attending next Tuesday! Yes, in less than a week away, I will be participating in a casting call for PROJECT ACCESSORY!! A brand-new series, "Project Accessory," will follow enterprising artists who will be put to the test to create the newest and hottest trends in accessories as they compete for a cash grand prize to help them launch their own fashion accessories business!! 

Its an UN-believable opportunity and I know I'm new to the game but even just the experience alone has me filled with so much anticipation!  I will definitely try to document as much of the experience as possible on my blog, facebook, twitter, my website, BBM status (LOL) YOU name it!

My stomach is telling me that its lunchtime so I'm gonna go handle that situation...

I'll leave you with a quote I read this week and absolutely loved!

"Why be practical when it comes to accessories when you can turn heads and drop jaws?" -Jessica Jimenez
